Introducing Kubernetes new friend — Kubevious

Kubevious is a new tool used in Kubernetes, which makes developers’ work easy with a dashboard. It is an ongoing open-source project This article is a quick introduction to Kubevious.

Nethmini Romina
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾


We all have exercised to use the terminal when interacting with Kubernetes. Kubevious is a tool that helps to visualize all the resources in a Kubernetes cluster. As in the above picture, we can simply check a number of namespaces, applications, pods, nodes, and many other details used in the Kubernetes cluster. This makes developers work easier and interactive.

The most important thing in this tool is, it can be installed in the cluster easily with simple 3 steps. Kubevious can be installed using helm.

First, you need to have helm installed in your local machine. Follow the document to install Helm:

Now let’s start installing Kubevious.

Since this is a separate tool installed in Kubernetes, it is better to deploy it in a namespace. So, let’s create a namespace kubevious.

kubectl create namespace kubevious

Then add kubevious chart repository.

helm repo add kubevious

Next, update the repo version and start.

helm upgrade --atomic -i kubevious kubevious/kubevious --version 0.8.15 -n kubevious

Now all resources related to kubevious are installed.

kubectl get all -n kubevious

Finally, forward the port to access the console in http://localhost:8080/.

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n kubevious -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 8080:80 -n kubevious

Once you access the console, you will see all the information on the cluster. In the console, there are 04 tabs as Summary, Universe, Rule Editor and Marker Editor.

The Summary tab contains a summary of all the resources in the cluster, such as Configuration summary, Infrastructure summary and many other details.

In the Universe tab, you will find resources in each namespace. As an example will see the resources under the namespace kubevious .

By expanding you can dive more into the pods.

As is in the above image you can see that Kubevious helps to get a clear picture of each application.

Rule Editor and Marker Editor are basically to run queries. Using them you can select images, containers, applications, or pods and apply rules to create warnings, display error messages etc. Check Rules Engine for details on how to create rules in Kubevious.

Wrapping up for the day, hope the article was helpful. Leave your feedback in the comments and we will catch up with another interesting topic. Cheers!!

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